Sunday, April 29, 2018

Avengers: Infinity Wars - Review

Avengers: Infinity Wars

It’s the mother of all ensemble casting of super hero talent in one single film in the highly anticipated “Avengers: Infinity Wars”.  A 2:30 minute running time cornucopia of Marvel Comic heroes including Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, Black Panther, Captain America, The Guardians of the Galaxy and the entire rest of the Avengers all united under one banner to battle their most powerful enemy in the universe yet -- the evil Thanos (Josh Brolin).

The plot is singularly straight forward. Thanos is on a mission to collect all six of the Infinity Stones. Once accomplished he plans to use the unique gemmed artifacts to inflict his twisted will of reality to him having sole supremacy of life and death for all living species in the entire universe. With the fate of all of existence at hand there has never been more uncertain for all of humanity with everything the Avengers have ever fought leading up to this pivotal moment.

REVIEW:  Avengers: Infinity Wars is exhilarating and thrilling. And to my surprise with such a large intersection of casting ingredient talent to compose a meaningful plot around I found it rather compelling to the very end as well.

Make no mistake about it, it still has the standard array of too numerous to keep count super hero hand to hand battles and combat, along with the inconsequential destruction of cities, space ships and planets. But of course that is pretty much understood going into this type of film. However, to my surprise what I enjoyed the most about this effort was the coherency of the dialog. It captures quite adroitly all of the why and the what for of all of the previous individual marvel films which have been building up to this blockbuster effort. And while not an epic story it is an epic battle of good versus evil, ambitiously conceptualized from its creation to its execution effectively showcasing the deep passion and importance of theses many characters working together for “the greater good”.

Now I do believe Avengers: Infinity Wars is too long, but that doesn’t mean there were some scenes that needed to be cut. To the contrary with the exception of about maybe 5 minutes total of the entire film I cannot recall anything on the screen that was a waste of time. It’s just my belief they could have made the same smart film minus about 30 minutes.

Overall this is an entertaining effort from beginning to end with a lot of surprises. Not giving anything away but the carnage level is high with an ending that was moving, emotive and heart rendering. They also make it 100% abundantly clear there is sequel coming to this mega effort and also very subtly revealed (at least to me) how some of the many shocking surprises will be explained and resolved in the sequel to come.

Avengers: Infinity Wars while is mindless entertainment is still filled with smart wink–wink jokes and humor, has lots of whirling action and overall was just a delight to have experienced. So get off your “Star Lord” butts and see it in the theater. It’s well worth an intergalactic trip down your local highway to see.

3.50 Stars

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