Saturday, May 4, 2013

"Iron Man - 3" - Review

“Iron Man 3” – Review

In the latest installment we find once again “Iron Man 3" centering appropriately around industrialist Tony Stark aka Iron Man who finds himself in an unintentional life and death conflict with an enemy whose seeds of hatred and jealously for our hero Tony were innocently planted at a swank hotel inside an elevator on New Years Eve 14 years ago..

Fast forward to current day we find the world renowned and celebrated Tony Stark - Iron Man paying the price from that minimum social slight with a new, highly intelligent and formidable enemy who is obsessively bent on destroying Iron Man and everything he passionately loves. So once again with his back against the wall Tony takes us on a whirl wind journey to survive this mortal threat by relying on his technologically advanced devices, his high I.Q. ingenuity and his snappy instincts to protect all those who are personally closest to him and all the while saving the United States of America as well.

Starring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Stephanie Szostak, James Badge Dale with Jon Favreau and Ben Kingsley, "Iron Man 3" is mostly a 2 hour roller coaster ride of uninspiring aerial flying scenes, (though there was one really clever scene involving a skydiving event), less than impressive pedestrian fight scenes, dispassionate unemotional banter, witless quips from the usually reliable Tony’s witty quips and in the end nothing really new or inspiring to leave the audience feeling insatiable full to what looks like the end to this highly profitable film franchise (for now).

I realize it’s hard to take a basic action film from its original genesis and keep it fresh and innovative over three films. Maybe that’s why I have always believed that one sequel to be the appropriate life limit for any popular film’s quality as anything beyond 2 films invariable causes it to compete against itself becoming potentially flat, rudderless and uninspiring. (i.e. The Godfather 3).

Nonetheless “Iron Man  3” is basically entertaining as the pacing of it is so brisk, it doesn’t really allow you to absorb much of what is going on with any real pause or reflection, but again this franchise has never been about that and that is OK. The film held my attention through out, especially with a slightly better second half than the first.

In the end “I.M. - 3” is a bit rusty desperately needing a lube job if it has any chance of being rebooted in the future, hopefully then someone will bring a more unique intensity to it’s nature similar to that of the recently concluded Batman films that Christian Bales help to evolve and possibly for the soon to be released “Man of Steel” as well.

All and all, Iron Man has been fun but it’s time to put it up on the rack for a while.

3 - Stars

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